Wedding Diet Tips | Wedding Tips

Wedding Diet Tips
Author: Celeste Naude (Women's Health)    Date Published: 26 September 2011

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For brides-to-be, the final months leading up to a wedding can be a stressful time. Every bride wants to look her most beautiful on her wedding day, for most ladies this ideal often goes hand-in-hand with wanting to lose weight. We have a few tips to help you shed unwanted kilos for your big day.

Start Early 
Give yourself enough time to lose the desired weight. If you postpone it to later, it will only add to your stress. Budget on losing about 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

More Output, Less Input
To lose weight, you need to start eating less energy than what your body uses and maintain this negative energy balance for some time. Start by reducing your portions at every meal (less energy in) and increasing your daily physical activity (more energy out). Build more activity into your day – take the stairs, park as far from the door as possible.

Get Some Help
If you feel that you don't know what you eat or how much, consult a registered dietician. The dietician can help with an individualized eating plan, according to your preferences and daily schedule. The dietician will also assist with the practical implementation of dietary changes and provide support during the process.

Eat Regularly
Have at least three small regular meals during the day and don't skip meals. Supplying your body with energy regularly will prevent you from becoming over-hungry and then overeating. Don't starve yourself. If we eat too few kilojoules and are constantly hungry, we risk an eventual willpower blowout, leading to a major diet setback. Successful weight-loss diets are adequate enough in kilojoules so we don't experience prolonged deep hunger, but low enough to allow for a moderate weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week. Severely reducing kilojoules also makes it difficult to get the nutrients your body needs.

Plan Ahead
Plan your meals and snacks ahead. This will avoid letting the cafeteria or vending machine limit your choices. Always keep a small healthy snack on hand.

Eat A Healthy Breakfast 
You're more likely to continue to make healthy choices throughout the day. Good breakfast choices include: Oats with fruit, yoghurt and banana, wholegrain bread with peanut butter.

Lose The Fatty Foods
Replace fatty and high-sugar foods and snacks with natural, whole foods such as vegetables, whole grains and fruit. Vegetables, especially the bright coloured and dark green leafy ones, are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants and they are low in kilojoules. They are also high in fibre and so are very filling. Satisfy your stomach with veggies and you're less likely to feel the urge to eat large amounts of rich foods and desserts.

Don't Drink Kilojoules
Sweetened drinks like fizzy drinks, fruit juice, juice-milk blends and very milky coffee drinks provide lots of extra energy. Unlike eating whole food, drinking liquid kilojoules doesn't make us feel as full. So even though we've had the kilojoules, we often don't eat less. The result can be a lot of added energy in our days. Water is the way to go.

Set Your Home Up For Success
If you find that having a packet of biscuits tempts you into eating too many, don't keep a whole packet in the cupboard. It's fine to have treats every now and then even when you are trying to lose weight. Rather have a single indulgence, like going to the ice cream shop and enjoying a small cone, rather than buying a big container carton of ice cream to keep (and tempt you) at home. Limit treats to one per week.

Don't Eat For The Wrong Reason
Eat mindfully, taste and enjoy your food and stop eating when you are full. Avoid unnecessary snacking because of boredom or stress - snack only when you feel real hunger. If you usually eat when you are stressed, find an alternative activity that will keep you busy. This should be something you enjoy that you can used as a diversion so that you don't end up eating when you're feeling stressed. Use this activity in times when the nerves about the wedding or planning issues make you want to eat.

Commit To Exercise
Exercise at least 3 times a every week for an hour per session or 6 times - half an hour sessions. This could be anything from joining a class at gym or walking with a friend. By making a personal commitment with someone close to you or an instructor, you are more likely to follow through on your plans. 

For more exercising or diet tips Click Here


Wedding Diet Tips
Wedding Diet Tips
Wedding Diet Tips
Wedding Diet Tips


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